Let us work together as a global community to share and manage the waters of the world so they do us all good instead of harm. This can be done if all the countries in the world work together and put more funds and effort into controlling where the water goes. Highly developed societies share the natural resources among everyone and don’t let a line on the earth mean that some people have to go without water while others have enough or sometimes way too much.
Let’s hope the world continues to uphold the Paris Accord which addressed climate change on many levels. We’ll follow their progress as they go forward with plans and commitments to take definitive action to protect our shorelines as well as inland areas from flooding, ease drought, etc.
It is high time we start to harness the water coming off the polar ice caps before it goes into the water and it is up to the world leaders to make this happen. We must spend the money now to gather this melting ice before the water does all the damage it will inevitably do, which will cost billions, in the end, to clean up.
Global warming isn’t going away and will only intensify, causing a rapid increase in rising sea levels. How many storms can take place before the oceans, rivers, and lakes become so polluted with debris and chemicals that they are a hazard to marine life and people alike?
…and then there is the other extreme.
At the same time, global warming makes the drier areas of the world more prone to drought. We need to move water around the world so the seas don’t get filled with fresh water and instead, it gets delivered to those in desperate need of freshwater. It is insane that we let the icebergs melt away into the ocean when that oxygen freshwater could be saving lives if we could just harness it and get it to them.
With our all technology, we should be able to manage the waters of the world better so that millions of people get the water they need, and help those with too much in the form of severe storms and floods can better control and divert it.
Watch a TED Talk on how to conserve water.
Local and world leaders must take action to prepare for floods from increased precipitation and rising sea levels. Land erosion is upon communities around the world. We take care of these issues now or take care of them later.
When there is so much water in the world, why do so many have to go without? We need to redistribute our resources via canals, pipelines, shipping, etc. Moving water needs to be both a community and a global project.
Seawater Desalination
We must work to make seawater desalination commonplace where it is needed. Pulling this together on a large scale, internationally, will help address the problem of water distribution and rising sea levels at the same time.
Move water or people
We need to start breaking down the borders and sharing the world’s resources. Why do people have to stay in drought-ridden areas for the sake of not crossing a line? Desalinization plants on shorelines will surely help many.